The 4-Step Copywriting Formula He Used To Make $150K With Cold Email

1. Logistics: Explain where you found your prospect and why they should care.
2. Background: Share your capabilities and what you can do for them.
3. Case study: Provide proof of your past successes.
4. Risk reversal: Offer a no-brainer deal that minimizes the possibility of rejection.
Original post below by one of my current fave AI and cold email guys Nick Saraev.
Copywriting is much easier than most people make it out to be.
Your emails don’t even have to be good! They just have to follow a formula and be consistent in their application.
Here’s mine:
- Logistics. Where did you find them and why should they give a shit?
- Background. What are you capable of doing for them?
- Case study. What proof do you have that you can do that?
- Risk reversal. What is the easiest, simplest, most no-brainer way you can present it to remove the possibility they’ll say no?
This cold email campaign got a 12% reply rate and made over $20k for about $500 cost. Niche down as much as possible for the best results. Positioning as a freelances on the initial email gets the highest response rate from split tests. Sent from my iPhone gets a .5% open rate boost. Foot in the door with an easy yes offer.
SUBJECT: Hi {{first_name}}, do you know if {{company_name}} is looking for writers?
Hi {{first_name}}, found you on LinkedIn and figured I'd reach out.
Is {{company_name}} looking for writers?
I'm a freelance writer who's worked with a number of companies to grow content production, including NordVPN, SEMRush, and Indeed.
Would love to have a conversation–or write up a free trial piece–for whoever orchestrates content, no strings attached.
Do you mind pointing me in the right direction?
Thanks! I really appreciate the help.
– Nick
Sent from my iPhone
Hi {{firstname}},
I found you on LinkedIn and thought I'd reach out.
I'm a freelancer and built a system for agencies that generates ~20 sales appointments per month without spending a cent on ads.
In September, I helped 1SecondCopy get 124 appointments in just shy of 30 days. Based on the looks of it, I'm 100% sure I could do something similar for {{companyname}}.
No risk - we'd even guarantee you 20 or more appts in the first two months.
Could I show you over a 15 min call this week?
Thanks for the time,
Sent from my iPhone
Hi {{first_name}},
I found {{website_url}} when looking for Shopify stores that do {{estimatedRevenue}} and thought I’d reach out.
We create custom mobile apps specifically for enterprise Shopify stores in the {{niche}} niche and routinely generate $X/mo or more for them.
Last year I built an app for X. They do $962.7 million a year and more than 30% comes from their app—I’m confident I could do something similar for you.
Is this worth a 15min call? I’d give you a fully customized app roadmap, no strings attached. If I can’t improve your store sales by 15% in 3 mo you don’t pay.
Thanks for the time,
X @ App Company
Sent from my iPhone
Hey ((firstName}}, I found you on LinkedIn when I was looking for {{niche}} companies in the UK (specifically in {{district}}).
I’m reaching out because we generate ~30 client appointments for UK real estate companies per week using a fully automated system and I just onboarded an extremely similar client to {{companyName}}.
Last month I generated 37 appointments for X using Facebook Ads. This was a 85x ROI.
Does this sound like something you’re interested in? I’d guarantee you a minimum 3X return on your investment in the first 90 days or you don’t pay.
Could we have a 15 min call this week to show you how I’d do the same for ((companyName}}?
Founder at X
P.S. If you're curious about the specifics, I'd be happy to send over a brief case study detailing our work with X.