Top 3 email mistakes (& how to fix)

If email isn't a major money maker for you, you're doing it wrong & I'll help you fix it.

"You did WHAT???!!!" "Well, after the first week I just couldn't take it anymore."
My jaw went through the floor. "Let me get this straight. You blocked the emails your own business was sending because you couldn't take the inbox invasion – & that was four years ago?"
Harsh reality mixed with big time regret slowly melted down his face. "Can you fix it?"
True story (sometimes you can't make this stuff up). And this is not the first client I've solved this for.
Top 3 email problems (and how to fix them)
Top problem #1: you're not doing it (or not consistently). Solution: just start then KEEP GOING (I can help).
- What's a cheaper or easier way to engage everyone all at once – prospects, buyers, partners, etc.? Exactly.
- Studies show the average ROI on email is $42 for every $1 spent, but 92% of statistics are made up. I do know that you only get when you ask, so let's do more asking.
Top problem #2: you're boring (or worse). Solution: that's why I started Story Selling.
- If you've unsubscribed from your own business's emails, you need help ASAP (this is one of the most common symptoms we fix).
- To never be boring again just remember HOT = hero, obstacle, transformation (then tell the movie trailer version)
Here's a pretty typical example of the inbox invasion that is killing your reputation & sales 👇

Problems ☠️
- Bad targeting – sending "catalog" style emails works for an online shop but not a service business who wants to build trust with buyers
- Annoying – even if my last dog died of fleas I still don't want "20% OFF FLASH SALE ON FLEA & TICK SPRAY UNTIL MIDNIGHT ONLY" twice a day every day
- No personality – people connect with people not faceless brands, so more faces = more know like & trust = more sales
- No interesting voice or personal perspective – no one sits down for fun & reads the side of the cereal box with all the nutrition information, so don't make your emails like that
- Boring subject line – if you can't sell someone on opening your email, you've already lost
- And that's all before we've even roasted what's actually in the email...
Here's how I fixed their emails to boost trust & make money👇

Fixes 💰
- Make it personal, write like you talk – now it sounds like a conversation with a friend instead of a catalog
- Make it look "regular" – the emails you love to read from friends don't have glossy graphics
- Make it unboring – the subject line promises to make the reader's life better & easier in a hurry (give massive free value)
- Subtle product promotions – it authentically yet gently promotes the new revenue streams I created for them including affiliate products, loyalty program, influencer program, partner program & more
- A lot more we can get into on our free intro call
I'm ready to make email make great money for you too.
– Daniel