Growth marketing cheat sheet: fix the top 6 profit-killing problems in under 6 minutes
A question I get asked a lot is "do you want fries with that?" 😆. Another one is "why isn't my marketing working"?
I push a bit more. "Working meaning ...?"
"Like actual sales. I do all the things but it just falls flat. Honestly I don't know where the sales I do get are coming from."
This goes against all the tenets of the Magnetic Marketing Manifesto, which the #1 rule is DO MORE OF WHAT WORKS.
How can you do more of what works if you don't know what works? Some smart (and probably dead) guy said "what gets measured gets improved."
/// FYI if you need help with any of this stuff reply back to any of my emails, email me or book a coaching call. ///
Ok now on to the top 6 problems that in my 13+ years of entrepreneur experience are the most common profit killers.
(But don't take it from me. Listen to a real marketing legend Omar at explain it himself).
Problem #1. Marketing isn't sales (you need both)
Marketing without sales is like peanut butter without chocolate (why bother?)
For over 50% of you, this is why your marketing isn't getting you buyers. It's by far the most common "leaky hole in the marketing bucket" thing I fix.
Warning: here comes my "magnetic marketing manifesto" – united against pretty marketing that doesn't pay for itself plus way more.
MARKETING IS NOT SALES (they are two different things & my superpower is combining both, which is kind of rare. Most marketers focus on pretty, not performance – and we both know only one of them stacks cash).
Marketing attracts attention, sales converts lookers (called leads) into paying buyers.
If you think customers just automatically start buying, you're missing 97% of your market (only 3% are "hot" or ready to buy right now) & you're wasting marketing budget that isn't paying you back.
People need to know – why you? why now? That's sales.
Then keep selling aka reminding them you exist. Studies show that it takes 7 times of hearing about you to even know you exist, much less buy something.
For example, you could have an amazing paid ad campaign that brings 1000s of visitors to your website. But if you don't have a way to follow up with them, poof they're gone (and so is your $).
- There's no way to capture leads (lead magnet that gathers email addresses, phone numbers, etc.)
- Even if you have the leads, there's no system to follow up automatically like a welcome email sequence that sells them on it or invites them to take the next step, get a demo and make an offer, no place to sign up for a phone call, schedule an appointment or consultation, etc.
You've got to have a sales process in your business.
Marketing gets you the leads, sales makes the sales.
Create a magnetic marketing machine that nurtures leads into sales on autopilot. The easier you make it for someone to buy, the more you ask with the right words at the right time, the better your offer (or "bait" aka lead magnets) = the more you sell. That's the game I love winning for your business.
A magnetic marketing machine that sells on autopilot will:
- Turn leads into buyers automatically with email
- Attract leads with the right words at the right time
- Amplify your relationship by sending valuable weekly emails
- Sell with grand slam offers so good they'd be stupid to say no
- Collect reviews at the buyer's moment of peak satisfaction
- All of this runs on autopilot so you stay focused on what you do best
Now for #2 (it's a classic).
Problem #2. Targeting the wrong audience
Great marketing is about reaching the right audience, the ones who are most likely to take action aka convert into customers aka buy. I call these dream buyers.
If your marketing isn't tailored to your dream buyers YOU ARE WASTING TIME AND MONEY.
Two scenarios to prove the point:
- Let's say you spend $1k on an ad campaign. From that you get 100 leads and 10 sales. Each sale is worth $100. So you broke even, spent $1k and made $1k. (Could have just stayed in bed, no?)
- The next campaign you target dream buyers. This time you only get 70 leads, but from those 70 you double your sales because your product is a perfect fit for them = 20 sales. Now you made $2k and doubled your investment. (Now any time you can 2x your money that's a day worth getting up for).
How, you may ask, can I identify who my dream buyers are so I can stack cash faster? Here's the checklist: