Go ahead and quit

Ever just wanted to quit? GO FOR IT! Might be the smartest thing you ever do. Here’s why…

Even the “experts” quit. Actually, they quit about 100x more than the “rest” of us.

Huh? Isn’t quitting bad? YouTube’s full of “the only way to lose is to quit” mantras.

Ok, I’ll explain.

The smart ones know it’s “quit but never give up.” (I first heard this from Felix Dennis in his awesome book with the cringe title “How To Get Rich”).

When you see something’s not working, what’s better - quit and try something else or just keep going, doing more of what’s not working?

See! You’re getting it.

Today’s little gem is why to quit podcast sponsors. (I stole this example from my fave membership expert Jay Clouse on Creator Science - go listen here).

He designed his digital biz to make $500k and it’s working (Primary product is a premium community at $2k/year or $3k with 2 hours consulting x 200 members max).

But when it came to sponsors, he quit. It just wasn’t worth the headache.

His new and improved plan? Quit selling one off, low dollar sponsor deals with separate agencies handling his podcast and newsletter (double the work).

Now he’s selling longer term, higher value packages that include placement on all his media properties - YouTube, podcast, newsletter & community. It’s less work and a better value for the sponsor. Win win!

But first he had to quit.

Scary? Yep. Worth a bit of painful transition? Yep.

For me I’m quitting NEW - just doing more of what works.
What’s one thing you need to quit today?

– Daniel

PS: We’re stronger together - reply back if you want a buddy to help you finally quit that thing